Monday, June 1, 2009

A Day In the Life. . .

By popular demand, here is my normal routine:

7 a.m. Wake-up
7-8:30 get ready for class/check email/see how the Cardinals are doing/read the news. This is 7 pm eastern or 6 pm central, so if you want to catch me online, this is probably your best bet. Except for mom, she might have better luck at 5 am central ;-)
8:30-9 take the bus to class while breaking the rules by eating a poptart for breakfast on the bus
9-11 class
11-11:30 eat lunch. There are several food courts in the engineering building.
11:30-2 Study. I either go to the library (only about 5 minutes away) or there are lots of benches to sit on. All of the building are connected by covered walkways, so I usually find a bench in one of the walkways.
2-4 class.
4-6 Check email/be lazy
6-6:30 eat dinner. There are two food courts within 2 minutes of my dorm. For dinner and lunch the options are basically chicken and rice prepared in any Asian styling of your choice (Chinese, Japanese, Muslim, Indian, etc.)
7-11 (or so) Hit the town. One day I went to a mall. One day I went to Chinatown. Tonight I'm going to Little India for the first time. It varies, but I feel like the day is kind of a waste of studying abroad if I don't get out at some point.

The way our schedule is set up, we take each class for two weeks. The class meets twice a day for 2 hours each day. The first class is history. Being engineering majors, this is a little intense for us. We're not used to reading. Plus we have two papers due next Monday. They are only 5-7 pages each, but people are still a little freaked out. Though not so freaked out that we're canceling our plans to go to Thailand this weekend. . .

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